Soul Connect Radio - Ep. 13: Black Visionaries

with special guests Michael Ajakwe Jr., Romal Tune, and Lawrence Ray Parker, Jr.

Do you have a large vision or purpose? Have you ever had a big idea but weren’t sure if you could make it work?

Get ready to be inspired and motivated by three very special guys who are breaking new ground in their own unique ways.

My guests are in very different fields but they have something in common: they’re all accomplishing big things by following their inspiration. And they all happen to be African-American, so I call this episode, “Black Visionaries.”


“Closer” by Goapele

“Use the Force” by Jamiroquai

“This Little Light of Mine” from the album Sonic Praise (various artists)


This episode is dedicated to Michael Ajakwe, Jr. who passed away May 31, 2018. Being unaware of his illness, I was truly heartbroken to learn of his death. What a painful reminder how important it is to stay in touch with people we care about. Learn more about Michael.