Clairvoyance, Intuition, and What to Look for in an Energy Practitioner

What Is Accurate Clairvoyance and Intuition?
Intuition is also known as the sixth sense, inner knowing and infinity within. It's that "spidey" sense, a creeping feeling, a strong hunch. It can appear as an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, revulsion or enthusiasm in response to a person, place or situation.
Clairvoyance is French for “clear seeing," and can be understood as accurate or highly-developed intuition, with an inner visual/imagination component.
It is the ability to perceive energy and its manifestations through color, light, symbolic imagery, replay of past events, and more.
Accurate clairvoyance means the ability to not only see, but also interpret or understand what is being seen, without interference from societal or family programming, personal judgements or feelings. It includes the ability to, "get out of one's own way" when looking at energy.
"Clairvoyant" really means the same thing as "psychic." We prefer the word "clairvoyance" because its meaning is straightforward and down-to-earth, while "psychic" has an air of the supernatural, as if it were some special ability inaccessible to mere mortals.
Most clairvoyants would agree that anyone with the desire and dedication to do so can develop this capacity. They tend to:
- believe that the sixth sense is natural – anyone can work toward a healthy relationship with their own intuition
- encourage others to access this inner knowing to help guide them through life
- have worked on themselves enough to be able to get out of their own way when reading energy
Yes, some people are naturally more sensitive than others. The capacity to feel things deeply is closely linked with intuition and creativity. Highly creative people use their imaginations a lot and tend to also be sensitive people.
Intuition is really a combination of sensitivity and imagination.
Developing clairvoyance takes trust in these two capacities. To develop accurate clairvoyance also takes a healthy balance of the sensitivity and imagination.
In other words, a person who is very emotionally vulnerable, or with a lot of their own limiting beliefs, grudges, etc. will have difficulty looking at another person’s energy without projecting their own "stuff" on to it.

What to look for in a Clairvoyant, Medium or Healer?
A person with a healthy balance of compassion and neutrality.
An individual may be very gifted at seeing or working with energy, or very open and even vulnerable to it. It takes enough healing/growing/clearing of one’s own energy to be able to see others clearly, and accurately, rather than viewing others through the distorting filter of one’s own issues.
Neutrality and compassion are the results of personal and spiritual growth.
A psychic/clairvoyant or healer is not neutral if they:
- say that you "should" or "should not" believe or do something
- offer a lot of unsolicited or very specific advice
- get overly-involved or overly-emotional when working with you (weak or wobbly boundaries)
- encourage dependence on themselves and their psychic abilities
Ideally, your clairvoyant or healer has become an expert through developing their own self-awareness and healing themselves. They have the neutrality to allow you your own experience rather than becoming lit up when they encounter your issues.
In our opinion, the highest goal for an energy worker is to help empower a person to their own spiritual growth, to accessing their own intuitive guidance and inner power, so they can live their own soul purposes and deliver their gifts to the world.