Energy Healing Explore Our Services We have customized approaches to help people and places heal their energy and raise the vibration.
party entertainment Witchy Entertainment for Halloween Parties If you’re planning a Halloween event in Southern California, our party experience is tailored for you and your guests: mini-tarot reading or chakra healing.
Elevated Planet Elevated Planet Elevated Planet is a new website that is all about putting the Unity back into CommUnity, feeling good and celebrating life together, turning the negative media on its head and having fun with it. This is also about celebrating creativity and generally enjoying life.
Michael Ajakwe Jr Soul Connect Radio - Ep. 13: Black Visionaries Do you have a large vision or purpose? Have you ever had a big idea but weren’t sure if you could make it work?
Soul Connect Radio podcast Soul Connect Radio Soul Connect Radio shares insights, information, techniques and music to help you get more connected with the Real You for a healthier, more joyful and fulfilling life.
Debra Eckerling Celebrate Your Wins and Start Making New Plans When do you set new goals and make new plans? Every week? Every month? Every year? All of the above? I do, too! While many wait for January for their fresh start, I like to begin the new year in December (aka DEBcember!) Approaching the next calendar year with a
#MeToo Group Healing Clinic The #MeToo movement / campaign has brought to the surface much suffering and trauma. We see it as an opportunity for healing