1st chakra meditation Meditation for Earth Day Celebrate our beautiful Mother by grounding and tapping into her positive nurturing energy.
Healthy Boundaries Healthy Boundaries Owners' Manual Healthy Boundaries Owners' Manual: handy reminders
Love Relationships Love is in the Air Self-love guided meditations, healthy boundaries owners' manual,
forgiveness Start the New Year with a Clean Slate As we end the year, it is a good time to forgive the past to be able to go into the new year fully present.
forgiveness Empowering Forgiveness Process “Forgiveness is for me. Forgiveness sets me free.”- Deepak Chopra Excerpt from Inner Yoga: 23 Simple Self-Care Tools by Laurie Lamson
New Year Resolutions That Resonate Gentle reminder: making a New Year's resolution is just the first step. Achieving any goal is the result of cultivating new habits - of both thought and action.
self-love Guided Meditation: Remove Blocks to Self-Love Self-love enables us to put our best Self out there into the world, which in turn helps us communicate our authentic truth, fearlessly.
Thanksgiving Being In Gratitude for Thanksgiving, and Beyond Thoughts and affirmations to cultivate gratitude.
Energy Healing Explore Our Services We have customized approaches to help people and places heal their energy and raise the vibration.
3rd Eye Chakra Third Eye Chakra Meditation This is a short guided meditation by Jolé for the Third Eye Chakra providing the energy for to experience clear and concise thought, spiritual reflection and inner contemplation.
party entertainment Witchy Entertainment for Halloween Parties If you’re planning a Halloween event in Southern California, our party experience is tailored for you and your guests: mini-tarot reading or chakra healing.
Magic What is a Witch? My own idea of witches was formed from The Wizard of Oz, the TV show Bewitched, Grimms’ fairytales, and other stories. They all emphasized that a witch was defined by how she chose to use her magical powers.
International Day of Peace May Peace Prevail On Earth What Is the International Day of Peace? An annual day of ceasefire and peace every 21st of September. Throughout the years, millions of people have been active on Peace Day in every country of the world, and hundreds of organizations have carried out life-saving activities in areas of conflict.
Rosh Hashanah Jewish Spiritual Wisdom “Try to be as happy as you possibly can. Search for your good points in order to make yourself happy. The main source of strength within is joy.” -Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav
screenwriting Soulful Screenwriting workshop series Soulful Screenwriting workshop series In-Person in Vista, California, & one free Zoom – Select Wednesday Evenings, August 30 – January 10, 2024
1st chakra Overcome "The Worry Monster" Let go of the past, along with self-sabotaging limiting beliefs, by going within and tapping into the all knowing wisdom of our “Higher-Self.”
guided meditation Guided Meditation for Beginners A guided meditation to remove negative behavior patterns
Soul Connect, Strawberry Full Moon, Sagittarius The Strawberry Full Moon is Here to Sprinkle Cosmic Delight Get ready for a celestial treat! On Saturday, June 3 at 11:41 p.m. EST, the Strawberry Moon will grace our skies in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, and it's here to fuel your thirst for truth, wisdom, and enlightenment
Basic Grounding Techniques Meditation: Grounding & Running Energy Meditation and beginning clairvoyant skills training for grounding and running energy.
April Fools' Day Being a Fool aka "Gowk" History of April Fool's Day. Being Seen as a Fool. Playing the Fool. Embracing the Fool in You.
Elevated Planet Elevated Planet Elevated Planet is a new website that is all about putting the Unity back into CommUnity, feeling good and celebrating life together, turning the negative media on its head and having fun with it. This is also about celebrating creativity and generally enjoying life.
Michael Ajakwe Jr Soul Connect Radio - Ep. 13: Black Visionaries Do you have a large vision or purpose? Have you ever had a big idea but weren’t sure if you could make it work?
Soul Connect Radio podcast Soul Connect Radio Soul Connect Radio shares insights, information, techniques and music to help you get more connected with the Real You for a healthier, more joyful and fulfilling life.
cult recovery My Time in a Cult Cults seek to create and imprint a non-responsible victim mentality into their members.
Intuitive Medicine Summit Practice Being Your Own Medical Intuitive Decode your body’s signals to uncover new avenues of healing at The Shift Network's Intuitive Medical Summit Guest Speaker Jolé (Gabrielle) Morton "Understanding Your Soul Architecture"